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Authors are invited to submit to this journal. An editor will assess all submissions to determine whether they meet the aims and scope of this journal. Those considered a good fit will be sent for peer review before determining whether they will be accepted or rejected.

Before submitting, authors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish any material included in the submission, such as photos, documents, and datasets. All authors on the submission must consent to be identified as an author. Where appropriate, research should be approved by an appropriate ethics committee according to the legal requirements of the study's country.

The author(s) must ensure that the submission is plagiarism-free. The author(s) will be solely responsible if any occurrence is held afterward. The author(s) can use standard similarity-checking software like iThenticate / Turnitin. 

An editor may reject a submission if it does not meet minimum quality standards. Before submitting, please ensure the study design and research argument are appropriately structured and articulated. The title should be concise, and the abstract should be able to stand on its own. This will increase the likelihood of reviewers agreeing to review the paper. When you're satisfied that your submission meets this standard, please follow the checklist below to prepare your submission.


Author Guidelines

Manuscript Types:

The article should be on original research work enhancing existing knowledge in the given subject area. Articles not submitted for publication or published elsewhere and expanded versions of conference proceedings are eligible for submission. Experiments, statistical, and other analyses ought to be of high technical standard and are described in sufficient detail. The article should have a title, abstract, appropriate keywords (3 to 5), appropriate introduction, research model/methods, results and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgment (if any), references, and Supplementary data (if necessary).

Manuscript Preparation:

Cover Letter

The manuscript should include a cover letter and complete contact information for the corresponding author (institutional affiliation, postal/mail address, email address, and telephone and fax numbers), who will communicate with other authors about revisions and final proof approval. The corresponding author is also requested to check whether all authors have agreed to submit the article.

Manuscript Format

The word count for the original research article is between 4000 and 7000, respectively, excluding abstract, acknowledgment, and references. The manuscript must be typed with font size 11 on an A4 (210 mm ´ 297 mm) page with moderate margins. The font style must be Times New Roman and the line space is 1.15. For text, justified alignment, and for tables and figures, center alignment must be followed.

Manuscript Components

The manuscript should have the following components for the original research article and review paper: title page, abstract, main text, acknowledgments, references, and, as appropriate, tables and figures. Each section should start on a new page, numbered consecutively, beginning with the title page.

Title Page: Should contain a concise and informative title of the article, name(s), and email addresses with academic or professional affiliation(s). The corresponding author should be mentioned clearly with email address, phone number, affiliation, and postal address. Indicate all affiliations with a lower-case superscript letter immediately after the author's name and in front of the appropriate address.

Manuscript without Authors' Identification

Abstract: The title page should be followed by a page containing only the full title (short communication) and, in case of a full paper, an abstract of not more than 200 words briefly pointing out the purpose, principles, primary results, and major conclusion. Nonstandard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if essential they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself.

Keywords: 3-5 keywords should be included at the bottom of the abstract page. Please carefully select the appropriate keywords which can be used for categorizing and indexing the submitted manuscript.

Use of AI: The author(s) must acknowledge any AI support he/she took during the preparation of the submission. Mention the specific AI-supported area and reasons for using AI support in the acknowledgment.

Funding Information: The authors must acknowledge any funding they received from any sources.

Introduction: A short literature review of the latest and relevant prior works should be included. The motivation behind the research should be included in short at the end of the introduction

Materials and Methods: Materials used in the research work should be mentioned clearly and the methodology followed should be described in such a way that the work can be reproduced easily. Adaptation of literature methods should be mentioned with proper reference and any change made should be described clearly.

Result and Discussion: A clear and concise result discussion should be included, where the results obtained should be justified and authors should establish the significance of the results.

Headings: Your article should be divided into clearly defined and numbered sections. Subsections should be numbered 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, ...), 1.2, and so on. Each heading must be in a separate line and clearly describe the contents inside the section/subsection.

Tables, graphs, and figures: Should be kept to a minimum. Tables of data represented by graphs should not be included unless they are absolutely necessary. Please submit tables as editable text and not as images. Good quality artwork files (jpg/png preferable) with a minimum of 300 dpi should be provided.

Conclusion: This section should summarize the outcome of the research and future directives for further expansion of the research. It should not repeat any comment already included in the abstract and result discussion sections.

Acknowledgement: Those individuals who provided help during the research (laboratory facilities, writing assistance or proofreading the article, etc.) should be acknowledged with due respect. Funding sources should also be mentioned with the grant number (if any).

References: All references must be and alphabetically sorted. The author/s is/are requested to follow the APA Style references strictly for both in-text citations and at the end of the text. The manuscript will be sent back to the author/s for revising the references if there is/are any inconsistencies with the APA Style. The format is shown as follows:

In-text citation:

Brand image, quality of products, and goodwill of the country of origin also influence the purchase intention of online products (Haque et al., 2015).

End reference:

Haque, A., Anwar, N., Yasmin, F., Sarwar, A., Ibrahim, Z., & Momen, A. (2015). Purchase intention of foreign products: A study on Bangladeshi consumer perspective. Sage Open5(2), doi: 10.1177/2158244015592680.

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The submission is checked for grammatical errors.
  • This submission is checked for similarity index by iThenticate / Turnitin.
  • This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
  • Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets, and other material provided with this submission.